This site is hosted by Yahoo Small Business. Yahoo Small Business hosts the store pages, ordering system, and order data. Yahoo Small Business automatically collects order information but may only use this information in the aggregate. If you accessed this store through Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Small Business also automatically collects information about your shopping experience. Please see the Yahoo Privacy Policy for more information about how Yahoo Small Business uses this information.

The Municipal Toy Company collects only personal information that you specifically submit to us, as you would on our order form for example. We use this information to fulfill your order, contact you with any questions, respond to your inquiries, etc. We may need to share your order information with third party product vendors as may be necessary to fill your order. We do not rent, trade, or sell our customer list or any portion of it to any third party. We will use your postal address to send you our latest brochures. We will use your phone number and/or email address if we have a question regarding your order. We will occasionally email you promotional messages concurrent each seasonal product launch.

We collect visit information in aggregate to track overall website traffic. This information is not personally identifiable.

The above policy is subject to change without notice.

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